Q: Why do I keep getting kicked upon joining a lobby?
A: You're using a DLC item of some sort that you don't own. This can be a weapon mod, mask, ammo, weapon, etc. Check to make sure they're not DLC items. This is often caused via DLC Unlocker or using a mask that was incorrectly added to your inventory (via a bad add to inventory script adding the mask to the wrong quality sub-section of your inventory). Disable DLC Unlocker and make sure you're weapons/mask/inventory has items equipped that you either own (ie actually paid for the DLC package) or that are in the base game for free.

Q: Does PAYDAY 2 have Anti-Cheats?
A: Sort of. OVERKILL has implemented some restrictions. These will trigger a notification to other players via the chat system and the HUD will show a cheater tag above your name in game. You will NOT be notified by the game of this happening. A list of things that trigger the cheater tag can be found searching the forum. Here's a list as of July 10th 2014

  • Using DLC Unlocker/Unlocking DLC you don't own
  • Trying to pickup multiple bags (CarryStacker)
  • Spawning loot, items, etc
  • Replenishing Grenades
  • Altering deployables/equipment, the amount or the type

Q: Can I use this OFFLINE/ONLINE?
A: Yes, all hacks can be used on both online and offline. Though some only work when you're the host, keep that in mind.

Q: My game is crashing,where can i find the crash log?
A: Located at C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\PAYDAY 2

Q: Can i get banned from PAYDAY2?
A: With PAYDAY 2 there is no official anti-cheat program or system. Keep in mind that OVERKILL can ban you from the Steam Group Community. Side note: If you're unlocking items with DLC Unlocker you'll get kicked from every lobby that has "auto kick cheaters" on,the simple solution is host your own game.

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